The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities (CVC) recently explored positive masculinity topics with unattached young men in

Police Officers and Sex Workers Dialogue in Western Jamaica
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities (CVC) recently partnered with the Royal Holloway University of London to

Breanna Harrison – Youth Advocate and Peer Educator helping to tackle SRHR Issues
In May 2024 the SAIL-SRHR (Strengthening Access, Inclusion and Leadership for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Reaching Underserved Youths in Airy Castle with Sexual and Reproductive Health Information
The parish of St. Thomas in the eastern end of the island of Jamaica has

CVC Launches Revolutionary BSmart Status App to Empower Key Population Groups with Health Care Information
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities (CVC) is proud to announce the official launch of its groundbreaking

CVC Strengthening Duty Bearers to Tackle Gender-based Violence in Western Jamaica
Four out of every ten women in Jamaica say they’ve experienced some form of intimate

Shared Incident Database (SID) to Positively Impact Rural Jamaican Community
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities (CVC) is enrolling more civil society organizations (CSOs) across the region

CVC and Partner Recommit to Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Guyana
The issue of gender-based and intimate partner violence was again front and centre during a

Life Skills Training Benefits Adolescents in St. Thomas and Kingston
Several students from across the parishes of Kingston and St. Thomas, in Jamaica, participated in

JPs in Manchester Jamaica focus on human rights and GBV interventions
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities (CVC) continues efforts to have meaningful dialogue with various stakeholders in