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We’re seeking two business development consultants to develop and refine the business plans and marketing plans of selected non-governmental organisations (NGO) in Guyana and Suriname. The business development consultants in Guyana and Suriname will work closely with each NGO as well as CVC’s business manager.
We’re seeking a curriculum development specialist to develop the content of an introductory community-led monitoring course.
We’re seeking an eLearning Multimedia Designer to work with the Curriculum Development Specialist to develop and implement the online course. The eLearning Multimedia Designer will play an active role in all aspects of the creative team design process, including identifying and brainstorming new ideas and creating concepts for visual communication of key messages.
CVC is looking for a dynamic Monitoring and Evaluation Officer to join its project team with expertise in public health, human rights, community organising, and HIV and AIDS. We are looking for a highly motivated individual with excellent attention to detail, superb monitoring skills and strong experience of working on HIV and AIDS programs in the Caribbean. The ideal candidate will have excellent follow-through skills and experience of working independently and within a multi-cultural team.
We’re seeking a consultant to review and adapt an existing Participatory Action Research (PAR) manual developed by CVC; train selected participants in conducting PAR, and provide technical assistance to the participants in conducting research.
We’re seeking a consultant, with a track record in the Caribbean producing training materials, to adapt an existing social enterprise toolkit to support adolescent youth key population members aged 15 to 24 years old. The consultant must reside in Jamaica and the individual must have a strong understanding of social enterprise, ideally with experience of working in small business.
We’re seeking a Data Analyst for the UCSF Jamaica Country Program.
We’re hiring a Grants Officer to manage the pre-award planning, organization, preparation, and post-award administration of various sub-awards provided through our funders.
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition is seeking a Consultant to design content for Social Media campaigns to address bullying of young KPs and PLHIV in the 6 OECS (St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Grenada, and Antigua and Barbuda).
We are seeking a firm to design and develop an interactive mobile app for HIV prevention and testing services in the Caribbean focused on accessing information, risk assessment, counselling and HIV services.
We’re looking for a consultant with expertise in climate justice to assist us to co-create, shape, and strengthen our climate justice work and materials over a 6-months’ period beginning in October 2023.
We’re seeking a regional consultant to lead a community-led monitoring assessment using a mystery shoppers’ methodology in Jamaica, Guyana, Belize, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. This study will evaluate HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) testing services available for Key Populations in each country at a variety of sites offering these services (public, private and NGO-run providers).
Belize’s National AIDS Commission is seeking a consultant to conduct the Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Study (IBBS) in Belize.
We’re seeking to hire a Consultant or group of Consultants to adapt IEC materials and develop still graphics, infographics and posters promoting PrEP use and the provision of stigma-free PrEP services in healthcare facilities in 6 OECS countries namely: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The materials will be utilized in health facilities, across traditional and social media to help drive demand and increase PrEP uptake.
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition is therefore seeking to hire a Consultant to develop content for an overarching Social Media campaign to address bullying of young members of key population groups and young persons living with HIV in the 6 OECS countries, namely: St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Grenada, and Antigua and Barbuda.
The CVC/Alinea SAIL-SRHR project is seeking a graphic designer consultant.
We’re seeking to hire a research consultant with experience in Participatory Action Research (PAR) and Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) in the region to build the capacity of a group of Persons Living With HIV (PWHIV) in the Eastern Caribbean to implement a Community-led monitoring activity that involves applying a score card and client satisfaction survey at each of six HIV Care and Treatment sites in St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Grenada, and Antigua and Barbuda.
We’re seeking Community Paralegals to support the empowerment of members of key population groups (KPs) to improve access to justice and reduce human rights violations with specific attention to incidents of Gender-Based Violence and Intimate Partner Violence.
CariFLAGS would like to contract the services of a Consultant to develop Training Content which supports the delivery of capacity building sessions to produce a cadre of transformational leaders among LGBT in the Caribbean.
We are seeking community paralegals to support the empowerment of key populations (KPs) to help improve access to justice and reduce human rights violations with specific attention to incidents of Gender Based Violence and Intimate Partner Violence.
The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Coordinator is responsible for the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation strategies, frameworks, and tools that will ensure accurate and timely information and feedback to stakeholders, and for planning and conducting data quality assurance and monitoring activities and reports.
We’re seeking a Field Manager and Gender Specialist (FM-GS) to oversee the implementation of the project-level gender strategy, ensuring that all operational and programming activities consider, model, and actively promote gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and gender mainstreaming.
We’re seeking a Technical Programme Officer to manage the implementation of the SAIL SRHR project.
We’re seeking Peer Links/Navigators to help scale up HIV prevention services, support the treatment, care and support programme and create linkages between the clients, CSOs and HIV treatment sites.
We’re seeking Community Paralegals to support the empowerment of key populations (KPs) to improve access to justice and reduce human rights violations with specific attention to incidents of Gender-Based Violence and Intimate Partner Violence.
We’re seeking a consultant to document and make accessible to an English-speaking audience the experiences and lessons learned rolling out the south-south initiative in the island of Hispaniola; that may provide insights, new approaches and good practices relevant to the building of capacity amongst civil society groups in the global south.
We’re seeking a Finance and Administrative Coordinator to support Alinea’s Strengthening Access, Inclusion and Leadership for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Jamaica project (SAIL-SRHR).
We’re seeking a Micro-Grants Technical Officer to coordinate the pre-award planning, organization, preparation, and post-award administration of various micro-grants provided through The Global Fund.
CVC is seeking a Consultant or team of consultants in Belize to develop targeted campaigns to tackle Gender Based Violence in Belize.
CVC is seeking a Consultant or team of consultants to develop targeted campaigns to tackle Gender Based Violence in Guyana.
CVC is seeking a Consultant or team of consultants in Suriname to develop targeted campaigns to tackle Gender Based Violence in Suriname.
CVC seeks the services of a short-term consultant to coordinate and facilitate a sensitization session with duty bearers and key populations in Guyana.
CVC seeks the services of a short-term consultant to coordinate and facilitate a sensitization session with duty bearers and key populations in Jamaica.
We’re seeking a Consultant to conduct research to inform demand generation and communication work to support vaccine efforts, including communication and engagement to encourage vaccine uptake among members of key population groups.
We’re seeking a Consultant to conduct research to inform demand generation and communication work to support vaccine efforts, including communication and engagement to encourage vaccine uptake among members of key population groups.
We’re hiring a Micro Grants Technical Officer
We’re looking for a Technical Writer Consultant
We’re hiring Community Liaison Officers.
We’re seeking a consultant to facilitate Sexuality and Sexual Health trainings.
We’re seeking a consultant to develop and facilitate the syllabus and content for an online course.
We’re seeking a Multi-media production consultant/firm
We’re hiring Instructor Assistants
We’re hiring a Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant for our SEA Change Initiative.
We’re seeking Consultants for our SEA Change Iniative.
Vacancy available for Communications Consultant
We’re seeking a Consultant to Develop Strategic Plans for organizations in the Eastern Caribbean.